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Marker detail: Weeden Island artifacts

Caption: Marker detail: Weeden Island artifacts
Additional Description: Weeden Island Bone Artifact [reproduction]
(Bell Site, Okaloosa County, Florida)
Carved from bone of unknown origin, this artifact has a distinct fingernail design on one end. It could be a hair pin, a feather holder or maybe something else. How would you use it?

Weeden Island Copper Ear Spool [reproduction]
(Kolomoki Mounds, Blakely, Georgia)
Ear spools such as these were common adornments in Weeden Island cultures. Most Kolomoki ear spools were made of copper. In Florida, shells were often used to make adornments. Who do you think wore them?
Submitted: July 22, 2020, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p531627
File Size: 2.135 Megabytes

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