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Grave site of Dr. Jack Shackelford in Courtland Cemetery
Photographer: Tom Bosse
Taken: August 23, 2020
Caption: Grave site of Dr. Jack Shackelford in Courtland Cemetery
Additional Description: Plaque reads: In memory of The Red Rovers and Dr. Jack Shackelford (The Captain) Presented by The Alabama Society of the Order of the Mexican War (1846-1848) July 4, 1972 Mrs. Daniel Thompson Webster, organizer Mrs. D. C. Batson Mrs. James C. Bonner Mrs. Georges Bridges Mrs. Farris H. Craig Mrs. T.E. French Mrs. A.M. Grimsley Mrs. Fred L. Harris, Jr. Mrs. T.L. Holt Mrs. Hartwell Holt Mrs. W.F. Plant Mrs. Murray White, Sr.
Submitted: August 29, 2020, by Tom Bosse of Jefferson City, Tennessee.
Database Locator Identification Number: p536629
File Size: 7.386 Megabytes

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