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Site of Goodwin Stadium 1936-1978 Marker
Photographer: Peter Fischer
Taken: September 12, 2020
Caption: Site of Goodwin Stadium 1936-1978 Marker
Additional Description: First football game, Friday, October 3, 1936. Arizona State Teacher's College vs. California Institute of Technology. ASTC Bulldogs won 26-0. Wilford "Whizzer" White led the nation in rushing in 1950 with 1,502 yards. His son, Danny White, was also a quarterback for ASU and went on to play for the Dallas Cowboys. Last football game played here September 20, 1958. ASU Devils beat Hawaii 47-6 before 19,000 fans. ASU track performers established three world records in this stadium. The last track meet held here was May 7, 1966. ASU Devils beat U of A 73-72. The East Stands also served as Haigler Hall, a men's dormitory. It was named for Charles Haigler, a member of the first football team at Tempe Normal School. West Stands razed September 1976; East Stands razed September 1978.
Submitted: September 14, 2020, by Peter Fischer of Phoenix, Arizona.
Database Locator Identification Number: p538622
File Size: 7.245 Megabytes

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