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Col. James A. Mulligan, 23rd Ill. Inf. K.I.A.
Photographer: Library of Congress
Caption: Col. James A. Mulligan, 23rd Ill. Inf. K.I.A.
Additional Description: Mulligan was a charismatic Irish-American attorney from Chicago, Illinois, who raised “Mulligan’s Irish Brigade” for the Union cause in 1861. While he fought in the Valley in 1864, his pregnant wife and their two young daughters remained in Cumberland, Maryland, waiting for his return. Upon learning of Mulligan’s wounding at Kernstown, his wife hurried to Winchester to care for her husband, but he died before she arrived.
Submitted: October 1, 2020, by Allen C. Browne of Silver Spring, Maryland.
Database Locator Identification Number: p541292
File Size: 0.591 Megabytes

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