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United States Maritime Service Officers 1944
Photographer: Dennis Ralph Brink
Taken: September 28, 1944
Caption: United States Maritime Service Officers 1944
Additional Description: Ralph Brink, my father, was in this graduating class. His service number was 448226. He entered the Merchant Marines in March 1944 and separated in December 1949. He is shown in the back row, 2nd from right, leaning to the left a little to be sure he was in the photo it appears. He was very proud of the Merchant Marines, altho he spoke very little of his experiences during that period. He advanced rapidly and was promoted to rank of Commander (E) on March 8, 1948. He went back to sea in 1961 until late 1976 working for private steamship companies using the old WW2 Liberty ships that had been converted/extended in length to haul grain and oil and then to Vietnam each trip carrying non-munition supplies. We were very proud of him and those that served along side him for this country. He passed away in 1994, dying from mesothelioma, like so many that were exposed to years of asbestos. Thanks again for letting me post this photo and information. Dennis Ralph Brink
Submitted: November 15, 2020, by Dennis Ralph Brink of Franklin, Tennessee.
Database Locator Identification Number: p550083
File Size: 0.506 Megabytes

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