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Enjoying Our Parks Marker
Photographer: Barry Swackhamer
Taken: September 16, 2020
Caption: Enjoying Our Parks Marker
Additional Description: Captions: (lower left) Black Otter Trail being developed in Swords Park, 1906.; (center) Tinted postcard about 1940 showing Black Otter Trail.; (lower center) Black Otter Trail 1950s.; (upper right) Early group of picnickers at "Rimrock Park," which was renamed "Swords Rimrock Park" in the 1930s. (lower right) 1970 Publication for Rimrock National Monument.
Submitted: March 3, 2021, by Barry Swackhamer of Brentwood, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p571438
File Size: 1.594 Megabytes

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