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"Henry" - B-26B #41-17565 of the 69th Bombardment Squadron, 38th Bombardment Group (M)
Photographer: via WW2 Aircraft
Taken: 1942
Caption: "Henry" - B-26B #41-17565 of the 69th Bombardment Squadron, 38th Bombardment Group (M)
Additional Description: New Caledonia, late 1942.
The aircraft features the field modifications unique to 69th BS aircraft. Namely, the fixed .50 in the right lower nose and the heavily braced mantlet housing the .50 caliber flexible nose gun.
Submitted: March 5, 2021, by Larry Gertner of New York, New York.
Database Locator Identification Number: p571625
File Size: 0.116 Megabytes

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