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How Billings Got Its News Marker
Photographer: Barry Swackhamer
Taken: September 15, 2020
Caption: How Billings Got Its News Marker
Additional Description: Captions: (upper right) The Billings Gazette headline the day after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7m 1941.; (bottom left) An image of the first edition of the Billings Daily Gazette, May 3, 1885.; (bottom center) The Billings Gazette building was located on the corner of North 27th Street and 1st Avenue North, photo c. 1910.; (bottom right) The Billings Gazette later moved into this building on Montana Avenue and 27th Street that originally housed the First National Bank. The Gazette remained in the building until the 1960s, when it was torn down.
Submitted: March 8, 2021, by Barry Swackhamer of Brentwood, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p572154
File Size: 3.234 Megabytes

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