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SP5 Clarence E. Sasser statue<br>Congressional Medal of Honor
Photographer: Chris Kneupper
Caption: SP5 Clarence E. Sasser statue
Congressional Medal of Honor

Additional Description: On Jan. 18, 1968 while fighting with HQ Co., 3d Bat., 60th In. 9th In. Div., as an aidman with Co. A in Dinh Tuong Province in the Republic of Vietnam, his company fell under heavy enemy fire. Over 30 casualties were sustained in the first few minutes. Without hesitation SP5 Sasser ran across an open rice paddy through a hail of machinegun and rocket fire to assist the wounded. After helping one man to safety, he was painfully wounded in the left shoulder. Refusing medical attention, he ran back into battle to aid the wounded. Despite two additional wounds immobilizing his legs, he dragged himself 100 meters to aid another. Faint from blood loss, he continued aiding the wounded for five hours before being evacuated.
Submitted: May 14, 2021, by Chris Kneupper of Brazoria, Texas.
Database Locator Identification Number: p585864
File Size: 4.833 Megabytes

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