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Mrs. Georgie Mae Reed leaving the Ponce de Leon Motor Lodge
Photographer: David Nolan
Taken: 1964
Caption: Mrs. Georgie Mae Reed leaving the Ponce de Leon Motor Lodge
Additional Description: 1074 West King Street was the home of Mrs. Georgie Mae Reed (1926 - 1925) who took part in one of the most famous events in the civil rights movement that changed America and inspired the world. Mrs. Reed was one of the five St. Augustine women arrested in 1964 at the Ponce de Leon Motor Lodge with Mrs. Mary Peabody, mother of the Governor of Massachusetts.
Submitted: April 13, 2009, by Gwendolyn Duncan of St. Augustine, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p59266
File Size: 3.930 Megabytes

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