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Edward D. Bartling Memorial
Photographer: Cosmos Mariner
Taken: July 3, 2021
Caption: Edward D. Bartling Memorial
Additional Description:
(mounted on a large boulder in front of the Mayhew Cabin)
This historic site with the John Brown Cabin and cave of the “Underground Railroad” is a legacy to the people of our country
Edward D. Bartling
A life-time resident of Nebraska City, Mr. Bartling gave of his resources to preserve and maintain this landmark for the public. To this civic-minded student of history and authority on John Brown and John Henry Kagi this memorial is gratefully dedicated.
Submitted: July 14, 2021, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p597435
File Size: 4.110 Megabytes

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