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Bryan College plaque
Photographer: Duane and Tracy Marsteller
Taken: July 24, 2021
Caption: Bryan College plaque
Additional Description: This plaque, mounted at the entrance to Mercer Hall, lists individuals who were behind Bryan College's creation. Among names of note are John L. Godsey (who was on Scopes' defense team but resigned on the trial's first day); Judge John T. Raulston (who presided over the trial); Frank E. Robinson (chairman of the Rhea County school board); then-Tennessee Attorney General A. Tom Stewart; and prosecution attorneys W.C. Haggard, B.G. McKenzie and J.G. McKenzie.
Submitted: July 25, 2021, by Duane and Tracy Marsteller of Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Database Locator Identification Number: p599335
File Size: 2.976 Megabytes

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