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An additional Sherman Building Marker
Photographer: Joe Lotz
Taken: August 4, 2021
Caption: An additional Sherman Building Marker
Additional Description: Sherman Building
Built 100 years after the historic Denton County Courthouse by Mr and Ms. Robert E. Sherman, it is dedicated to their parents:
Major General Olinto Mark Barsanti, USA and Aletha Howell Barsanti
Dr. Robert Clyde Sherman and Elizabeth Pinkerton Sherman
whose contributions to country, community, children and generations that follow are more lasting than brick and mortar.
Robert Frank Sherman - Bette Barsanti Sherman
James R. Kirkpatrick, Architect - David Duffield, General Contractor
Constructed 1996-1997
Submitted: August 4, 2021, by Joe Lotz of Denton, Texas.
Database Locator Identification Number: p601709
File Size: 2.153 Megabytes

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