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A nearby Hal Behl Marker
Photographer: J. Makali Bruton
Taken: August 23, 2021
Caption: A nearby Hal Behl Marker
Additional Description: The Thor missile exhibit is dedicated to Hal Behl
Founding museum trustee
Trustee emeritus
September 20, 2019
In gratitude and recognition for over 25 years of service to the National Museum of Nuclear Science And History, this Thor missile on a transporter erector is a fitting historical object to commemorate the scientific and engineering career and service of Hal Behl. He graduated as one of the early aeronautical engineers from the Guggenheim School at NYU, at the start of WWII. Hal served as an Army engineer in the Manhattan Project at Oak Ridge Tennessee. He then had a long and distinguished aircraft and rocket design career with Boeing, Douglas, and other aerospace companies. During one part of his space career, Hal ran the Douglas portion of the super-classified Corona reconnaissance satellite program, which under his personal direction, launched over 30 Thor payloads into low earth orbit in just over two years. Hal's efforts for the museum secured this space launch workhorse and many other aircraft, missiles, and scientific exhibits for display and preservation.
Submitted: September 9, 2021, by J. Makali Bruton of Accra, Ghana.
Database Locator Identification Number: p609051
File Size: 2.160 Megabytes

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