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University of Michigan Campus 1907 Marker
Photographer: J.T. Lambrou
Taken: September 10, 2021
Caption: University of Michigan Campus 1907 Marker
Additional Description: Detroit Observatory, 1858 Completed in 1854 on a hill northeast of campus, the Detroit Observatory demonstrated President Tappan's commitment to practical scientific education. Detroit businessmen, eager for an accurate timekeeping service, provided funding. Director Franz Brunnow was UM's first PH.D. Professor and became Tappan's son-in-law. The observatory, stripped of later additions and restored with its two original telescopes, reopened as a museum in 1999.
Inset: The meridian circle telescope, the most accurate way to calculate time in 1854.
Submitted: September 13, 2021, by J.T. Lambrou of New Boston, Michigan.
Database Locator Identification Number: p609899
File Size: 2.883 Megabytes

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