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Hardware Marker
Photographer: J.T. Lambrou
Taken: September 3, 2021
Caption: Hardware Marker
Additional Description: Inset photo (lower left) caption: When August Hutzel opened his store at 114 South Main Street in 1857, he sold groceries along with glass and painting supplies. As the city's gas and water works expanded, many hardware businesses added plumbing and heating equipment. In the 1880s Hutzel laid miles of cast iron pipes for the city's first water system. August's son Titus, trained as a plumber, sold and installed indoor plumbing, including flush toilets and claw-foot bathtubs.
Submitted: September 14, 2021, by J.T. Lambrou of New Boston, Michigan.
Database Locator Identification Number: p610173
File Size: 2.945 Megabytes

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