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Captain Wilbur E. Dow, Jr.
Photographer: John Farrell
Taken: April 27, 2009
Caption: Captain Wilbur E. Dow, Jr.
Additional Description: 8/5/1906 - 11/14/1991
A man of many abilities; at his best, a sailor.
Born in Brooklyn, raised in Seattle. Boxer, debate champion, stroke oar University of Washington crew.
Shipped out of Seattle in 1923, ordinary seaman, age 15. Sailed in Round the World Trade with Isthmian Line. Masters license, any ocean, any tonnage, age 25.
Went ashore in 1931, became world's Foremost Admiralty Attorney. Director of 23 steamship companies. Enriched several now famous Greek shipowners. Three successful oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Led the 1954 Dow Polar Expedition to locate magnetic North Pole. Subsequently elected to Explorers Club.
Personally saved seaman's retirement home, Sailors Snug Harbor. Rebuilt the Lake George Steamboat Company., founded the New Orleans Steamboat Company. Champion of justice for all seeking his help, fighter for purity of Lake George's waters.
Wilbur's Way; "I always do what I think is right at the time and I don't give a damn about the rest".
Submitted: April 29, 2009, by John Farrell of Lake George, New York.
Database Locator Identification Number: p61208
File Size: 1.678 Megabytes

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