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Marker detail: Topics of the Times<br>Numbers for Names

Caption: Marker detail: Topics of the Times
Numbers for Names

Additional Description: "The traveler may shed tears as he drives down the shady vista of the Lincoln Highway," conjectures The Lexington (KY) Herald, "or dream dreams as he speeds over a sunlit path on the Jefferson Highway, or see noble visions as he speeds across an unfolding ribbon that bears the name of WOODROW WILSON. But how in the world can a man get a kick out of 46 or 55 or 21?"

This is part of the effort to "save the souls of the national highways." For it seems that the United States Bureau of Roads has officially changed their names to numbers and has sprinkled the highways with signs that bear cold numerals instead of names that glow in American history. The United States Good Road Association in a meeting at Savannah has just adopted a resolution urging Congress to restore the venerated names.
The New York Times, June 18, 1927
Submitted: October 28, 2021, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p618615
File Size: 4.326 Megabytes

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