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American Battlefield Trust
Photographer: Bernard Fisher
Taken: November 23, 2021
Caption: American Battlefield Trust
Additional Description:
Preserving America's Hallowed Ground - Forever
The American Battlefield Trust is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization devoted to saving the hallowed battlegrounds of America's first 100 years. Since its founding in 1987, the American Battlefield Trust has protected more than 50,000 acres of historic battlefield land, including the beautiful site you are visiting today. Thanks to the American Battlefield Trust and its supporters, this land has been set aside forever as a place of quiet contemplation and remembrance — where ordinary Americans performed extraordinary deeds. In addition to saving historic land, the American Battlefield Trust seeks to inspire interest in our nation's past and inform our fellow citizens about the vital role these battlefields played in the American story. Please join the fight to save America's hallowed battlegrounds. To learn more, visit us online at Thank you for your help!
Submitted: December 6, 2021, by Bernard Fisher of Richmond, Virginia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p626213
File Size: 0.769 Megabytes

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