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Boat Yard & San Agustín Exhibit Panel<br>(<i>located near marker</i>)
Photographer: Cosmos Mariner
Taken: December 16, 2021
Caption: Boat Yard & San Agustín Exhibit Panel
(located near marker)

Additional Description: The Boat Yard
To create a replica of the experience of 16th century boatbuilding, there needed to be an appropriate setting. The Foundation built this replica boatyard here at the Fountain of Youth Archeological Park. This Yard consists of two structures. The boat shed is where the ship construction actually happens. This shed and the other structure, a wattle and daub shipwrights' house, were constructed according to the historical records and the methods of the times.

"San Agustín"
The Chalupa was a nimble, utility longboat of the 16th Century, that was an essential craft of the early Spanish explorers and settlers. It allowed them to off-load larger ships, navigate hazardous sandbars at inlets; explore shallow creeks; and land soldiers, arms, and equipment ashore.

The design for this boat comes from a well preserved marine archeological find in Red Bay, Canada. The vessel could be equipped with sails and was seaworthy for long coastal and even open sea travel. This versatile craft is the project of our volunteers in our replica boat yard here on the waterfront at the Fountain of Youth Archaeological Park.

The Chalupa "San Agustín" was launched and christened in March 2015 and is on display here at the Fountain of Youth.
Submitted: December 29, 2021, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p630653
File Size: 4.531 Megabytes

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