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Behind the picket fence
Photographer: Sandra Hughes Tidwell
Taken: April 17, 2021
Caption: Behind the picket fence
Additional Description: Ever noticed the hand pointing toward the Heavens atop the Brick Church. Only two churches in the country are known to have a "Heavenly Hand" and it was instilled in a young French Bubba Richardson Jr. that is pointed the way to Heaven. The hand tumbled during a storm in the 1920s and -- the young Bubba. The bell tower lacked this adornment until 2000? when Bubba then into his late eighties and his friend Dr. D Morgan carved a replacement that will point the way to Heaven for generations to come.
Submitted: January 5, 2022, by Sandra Hughes Tidwell of Killen, Alabama, USA.
Database Locator Identification Number: p631798
File Size: 3.066 Megabytes

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