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U.S. Army Bell UH-1D helicopters airlift members of the 2nd Battalion in Vietnam
Photographer: Public Domain - US Army - James K. F. Dung, SFC, Photographer
Taken: May 16, 1966
Caption: U.S. Army Bell UH-1D helicopters airlift members of the 2nd Battalion in Vietnam
Additional Description: U.S. Army Bell UH-1D helicopters airlift members of the 2nd Battalion, 14th Infantry Regiment from the Filhol Rubber Plantation area to a new staging area, during Operation "Wahiawa", a search and destroy mission conducted by the 25th Infantry Division, northeast of Cu Chi, South Vietnam, 1966.
Submitted: January 6, 2022, by James Hulse of Medina, Texas.
Database Locator Identification Number: p631920
File Size: 0.534 Megabytes

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