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Picnic Pavilion Dedication Plaque
Photographer: Shane Oliver
Taken: January 12, 2022
Caption: Picnic Pavilion Dedication Plaque
Additional Description:
Trimmer-Newton Pavilion

This pavilion honors Colonel Glenn Trimmer and Mr. D.P. Newton, two men who desired a park to honor the thousands of Union soldiers that encamped throughout Stafford County during the winter of 1863; a period many called their "Valley Forge." The park construction was a collaboration of hundreds of volunteers. local citizens, Virginia businesses, Army and Air National Guard members, and officials of Stafford County and the City of Fredericksburg. This park is a realization of Trimmer and Newton's vision.

Dedicated 2017
Stafford County Board of Supervisors
Paul V. Milde, III - Chairman
Meg Bohmke - Vice Chairman
Laura A. Sellers
Jack R. Cavalier
Gary F. Snellings
Robert "Bob" Thomas, Jr.
Wendy E. Maurer
Thomas C. Foley, County Administrator

Submitted: May 23, 2022, by Shane Oliver of Richmond, Virginia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p656892
File Size: 2.777 Megabytes

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