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Snezhinsk, Russia
Photographer: Syd Whittle
Taken: June 13, 2009
Caption: Snezhinsk, Russia
Additional Description: In 1998, Livermore adopted its newest sister city, Snezhinsk, Russia. Situated more than 1,200 miles from Moscow in the Ural Mountains, the City of Snezhinsk is home to a major nuclear weapons research laboratory. It was a secret city of the former Soviet Union. Formerly known as Chelyabinsk-70, the City was renamed Snezhinsk (snowflake) after the Cold War. Snezhinsk has a population of approximately 59,000 people.
Submitted: June 14, 2009, by Syd Whittle of Mesa, Arizona.
Database Locator Identification Number: p67234
File Size: 2.991 Megabytes

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