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1984 version of Occupation of the Summit of Lookout. Marker
Photographer: Mike Stroud
Taken: July 1984
Caption: 1984 version of Occupation of the Summit of Lookout. Marker
Additional Description: No. 12.           U.
No Union troops gained the top of Lookout Mountain during the battle. Before daylight the next morning thereafter, Gen. Whitaker, commanding brigade in Cruft's Division of the Fourth Corps, called for volunteers from the Eighth Kentucky to scale the palisades and take the point of the mountain. It was not then known that the Confederates had withdrawn. The following responded: Capt. John Wilson, Company C; Sargent H. H. Davis, and Private William Witt. Company A: Sargent Joseph Wagers and James G.Wood of Company B, and Private Joel Bradley of Company I. These scaled the bluff soon after daylight, and at sunrise unfurled the flag of the Regiment upon the point, in full view of both armies. This force was soon followed by the Eighth Kentucky Regiment, Col. Sidney M. Barnes and a conciderable number of the 96th Illinois who followed without orders and shortly after by the whole of the Ninety-Sixty Illinois, Col. Thomas E. Champion. These regiments advanced some distance upon the top of the mountain and found that the Confederates had withdrawn.
Submitted: June 24, 2009, by Mike Stroud of Bluffton, South Carolina.
Database Locator Identification Number: p68242
File Size: 0.211 Megabytes

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