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Fruit Tree Orchard Marker
Photographer: Joseph Alvarado
Taken: October 11, 2022
Caption: Fruit Tree Orchard Marker
Additional Description: 1. Bare root fruit trees, 1920
2. Albert Etter, 1940; Etter spent 67 years hybridizing new varieties of apples and other fruits, some of which George C. Roeding, Jr. helped introduce through the California Nursery Company
3. George C. Roeding Jr. holding a bundle of fruit trees to show root size, 1930
4. George C. Roeding Sr. at an orchard. His greatest gift to the United States during World War I was peach pits, whose charcoal could filter out chlorine gas. California Nursery Company produced large quantities of peach pits, 1900
5. Ah Yen with peach trees in the experimental orchard. Ah Yen was crucial to the success of the Mother Orchard, 1910
6. Plum trees in bloom, 1920

Submitted: October 27, 2022, by Joseph Alvarado of Livermore, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p685837
File Size: 2.340 Megabytes

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