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Turner & Durham Cash Store Notice
Photographer: Craig Swain
Caption: Turner & Durham Cash Store Notice
Additional Description: This notice, running in The Greenville Sun on January 28, 1937, offers an example of the transition of both American economic practices and societal constructs. Up until the first quarter of the 20th century, bartering - in the form of trading produce, raw materials, or labor for desired goods - was commonplace in America. This was in lieu of direct cash transitions. However, as markets nationalized, particularly as result of World War I and the Great Depression, bartering fell into disfavor. Turner & Durham Market, like many of the period, switched to a strict "cash only" business. In later years, the store was known as "Turner's Cash Store" to reflect the change of practice.
Submitted: November 6, 2022, by Craig Swain of Leesburg, Virginia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p688130
File Size: 1.088 Megabytes

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