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Optometric Specialist
Photographer: Craig Swain
Caption: Optometric Specialist
Additional Description: Another advertisement featuring the Turner & Durham Store, this from The Greenville Sun, October 14, 1937, offers evidence of another once common practice. In a time when optometry was considered a "specialty" medical practice, access to such services was limited. Often Optometrists scheduled tours through rural areas, servicing widespread communities. In this instance, Doctor William H. Johnson scheduled hours at Turner & Durham Store on October 15 of that year. He then visited Piedmont to serve that community. Note the warning against men who "know nothing about the eyes..." and "Extra low prices this trip"!
Submitted: November 6, 2022, by Craig Swain of Leesburg, Virginia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p688131
File Size: 1.977 Megabytes

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