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Josephine Baker in banana skirt from the Folies Bergère production "Un Vent de Folie"
Photographer: Lucien Waléry (via Wikimedia Commons)
Taken: 1927
Caption: Josephine Baker in banana skirt from the Folies Bergère production "Un Vent de Folie"
Additional Description: “…Her performance in the revue Un vent de folie in 1927 caused a sensation in the city. Her costume, consisting of only a short skirt of artificial bananas and a beaded necklace, became an iconic image and a symbol both of the Jazz Age and the Roaring Twenties.” - Wikipedia
Submitted: December 31, 2022, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p698109
File Size: 0.284 Megabytes

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