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Evans City Marker
Photographer: Mike Wintermantel
Taken: January 21, 2023
Caption: Evans City Marker
Additional Description: Adding to NIGHT of the LIVING DEAD's "direct cinema" approach, the filmmakers cast their motion picture using family, friends and colleagues within the local community. Longtime Evans City residents Phillip and Ella Mae Smith, Randy Burr, and Dick Heckard were cast in feature roles, giving film its regional flavor. This tremendous community effort, which saw professional radio and television announcers portraying newscasters, Pittsburgh police officers comprising a ghoul-hunting posse and ordinary next-door neighbors stumbling through the darkness as the movie's iconic flesh eater, imparts NIGHT of the LIVING DEAD with a heightened sense of realism
night of the living dead
The Evil Dead, 28 Days Later, World War Z and The Walking Dead.

photo caption
Actors shamble through the local landscape in the classic scene. The portrayal of the ghouls would establish the iconic look as we know today.
Submitted: January 23, 2023, by Mike Wintermantel of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Database Locator Identification Number: p701962
File Size: 1.191 Megabytes

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