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Evans City Marker
Photographer: Mike Wintermantel
Caption: Evans City Marker
Additional Description: NIGHT of the LIVING DEAD was inducted into the National Film Registry in 1999 for being a "culturally, historically, and aesthetically significant" part of American cinema. It was due to budgetary limitations that its makers eschewed the use of exotic locations and color photography. Instead, they depicted the rural Pennsylvania countryside in stark black & white imagery effectively bringing the movie's nightmarish premise into the audiences' own backyard, and thus, the modern horror film was born.
night of the living dead
The determination of Romero and his colleagues to locally produce a feature-length picture ultimately led the way for Pittsburgh to become one of the major film production hot spots in the United States.

photo caption
In the Evans City Cemetery filming the opening scenes. The chapel is the last remaining structure and a restoration was completed in 2014.

Submitted: January 23, 2023, by Mike Wintermantel of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Database Locator Identification Number: p701963
File Size: 1.242 Megabytes

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