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Portrait of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart at the age of 13 in Verona
Photographer: School of Verona, attributed to Giambettino Cignaroli (Via Wikimedia Commons)
Taken: Circa 1770
Caption: Portrait of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart at the age of 13 in Verona
Additional Description: School of Verona, attributed to Giambettino Cignaroli (Salo, Verona 1706-1770), Portrait of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart at the age of 13 in Verona, 1770. Offered for auction at Christie's Paris on 27 November 2019, from the collection of the descendants of pianist Alfred Cortot.
Submitted: March 18, 2023.
Database Locator Identification Number: p712004
File Size: 1.334 Megabytes

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