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Marker detail: Camp Sewell, 1915

Caption: Marker detail: Camp Sewell, 1915
Additional Description:
1st Regiment, Canadian Mounted Rifles (Brandon) prepare to leave Camp Sewell, 9 June, 1915. Engineer Stores building in the left foreground; Headquarters building in the distance.
Le 1er Régiment, les Canadian Mounted Rifles (Brandon), se prépare à quitter le Camp Sewell, le 9 juin 1915. Au premier plan à gauche, l'édifice pour les fournitures techniques; vue lointaine du quartier général.

Submitted: March 28, 2023, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p713684
File Size: 0.996 Megabytes

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