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Tram System in the Great Flood of 1910
Photographer: Farfelu Trompé et cie
Taken: January 28, 1910
Caption: Tram System in the Great Flood of 1910
Additional Description: Although normal rail service was disrupted, tram service was able to be maintained by the fitting of hydrostatic accumulators to the trams. These devices were able to keep the trams on the tracks by capturing the excess water pressure from the rotation of the wheels that would have otherwise pushed the tram upwards, thus derailing it. At speed, sufficient pressure built up such that the accumulators would relieve the pressure by streaming jets of water out to the side, as seen here in the photo.
Submitted: April 1, 2023.
Database Locator Identification Number: p714451
File Size: 0.146 Megabytes

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