Photograph as originally submitted to this page in the Historical Marker Database Click on photo to resize in browser. Scroll down to see metadata.
Marker below the flagpole.
Photographer: Mark Hilton
Taken: June 15, 2022
Caption: Marker below the flagpole.
Additional Description: This mast is dedicated to the memory of John S. "Jack" Barrington who, from 1949 through the year of his death in 1999, remained unselfishly committed to the raising of the Royal Air Force ensign in an annual tribute to his comrades who, like himself, came to Ponca City from the United Kingdom that they might prepare to defend their homeland. While the ultimate sacrifice of those who are interred on either side of this mast came not in battle but in its preparation, his dedication serves as a reminder that their sacrifice was no less heroic, and this small plot of prairie ground they learned to fly above and now rest beneath, is no less hallowed.
Submitted: May 14, 2023, by Mark Hilton of Montgomery, Alabama.
Database Locator Identification Number: p724273
File Size: 5.995 Megabytes

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