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The Casino, which currently houses the Zoo Administration
Photographer: Devry Becker Jones
Taken: August 6, 2023
Caption: The Casino, which currently houses the Zoo Administration
Additional Description: "The first building in the park, called the Casino because of alleged resemblance to frame casinos in general, is on the east side of the roadway. The Casino's dominating architectural feature is its tall enveloping hipped roof which is truncated at the top and flares out at the eaves on all four sides. The design is supported by the turned balusters and sawn brackets of its wraparound porch in the Queen Anne style, as well as the imbricated shingles on the south side elevation. The overall effect is Rustic. This is the oldest building in the park, dating from 1884."
Submitted: August 15, 2023, by Devry Becker Jones of Washington, District of Columbia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p744022
File Size: 5.409 Megabytes

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