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Tretradkran / Pedal Crane and Marker, Main River
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: August 25, 2023
Caption: Tretradkran / Pedal Crane and Marker, Main River
Additional Description: …The crane required a sworn crane master who was in the service of the crane lessee and paid the employees in and on the crane, for the execution of the crane business and for the winch servants running in the wheels, a 15-25 man team from their own guild who belonged to the “charger” was responsible. The loader or nurse – not to be confused with the winch operator, the winch driver, the wheel runner, the crane treader or the crane worker in the treadmills or on the drawbar in the crane house – worked on the crane load outside of the crane, whether on the quay or on the ship. The original chain, which was 50 m long and weighed a total of 1,690 kg with a specific mass of 4.00 kg/m, had a tested load capacity of 3,190 kg or 3.2 metric tons. – Wikipedia, in translation
Submitted: August 29, 2023, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p746541
File Size: 3.585 Megabytes

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