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The Leachman-Underwood House (c. 1900)
Photographer: Duane and Tracy Marsteller
Taken: August 6, 2023
Caption: The Leachman-Underwood House (c. 1900)
Additional Description: The property was purchased by William W. Leachman in 1894 for $500.00. The home is believed to have been built by Mr. Leachman. When he sold the property to John E. Call in 1907, the same acreage brought $3,500.00. The family which owned the house the longest were the Underwoods. Arlando Clay Underwood, a farmer, acquired the house in 1919, and sold it in 1925. He and his second wife Carrie Weakley Underwood purchased the house in 1929. Mrs. Underwood lived in the house until her death in 1960.
Submitted: September 5, 2023, by Duane and Tracy Marsteller of Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Database Locator Identification Number: p747914
File Size: 4.387 Megabytes

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