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Conservation Efforts
Photographer: Bradley Owen
Taken: September 30, 2023
Caption: Conservation Efforts
Additional Description: Swallow Falls State Park is a special and unique place. As you travel the trail today, you will pass through historic sites, you may wade in the wild and scenic Youghiogheny River and you will walk through the oldest stand of hemlock and white pine in Maryland.

Swallow Falls sees approximately 200,000 visitors, like yourselves, each year. The impact of this is being seen on the trail you will walk and the forest interior you will see.

You will also pass several displays and signs along your way, helping to explain our plan of action for further conservation of the sensitive management area. Please take a moment to stop and read our displays.

Together we can help to further preserve this environmentally sensitive area.
Submitted: October 1, 2023, by Bradley Owen of Morgantown, West Virginia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p752923
File Size: 1.013 Megabytes

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