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Mercado Ferreira Borges
Photographer: António Amen (via Wikimedia Commons under CC 3.0)
Taken: March 9, 2009
Caption: Mercado Ferreira Borges
Additional Description: The Ferreira Borges Market is a historic building located in the city of Porto, in Portugal, with access via Praça do Infante D. Henrique, Rua de Ferreira Borges, Rua de Sousa Viterbo and Rua Mouzinho da Silveira. Built in 1885 to replace the already old Mercado da Ribeira, and never having fulfilled the functions for which it was originally intended, due to the reluctance of traders to leave the previous market, the Mercado Ferreira Borges is today used for exhibitions and fairs for a wide range of cultural activities. - Wikipedia (in translation)
Submitted: October 15, 2023, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p754896
File Size: 2.208 Megabytes

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