Photograph as originally submitted to this page in the Historical Marker Database Click on photo to resize in browser. Scroll down to see metadata.
Marker detail: Pronghorn antelope, Prairie dog, and Coyote

Caption: Marker detail: Pronghorn antelope, Prairie dog, and Coyote
Additional Description: Bison once moved westward in great herds from the tall grasses to the mixed grasses and on to the short grasses. The prairie also attracts pronghorn antelope, which feed primarily on broad-leafed plants called forbs. Black-tailed prairie dogs flourish on the open range, and their towns entice coyotes and other predators.
Submitted: October 19, 2023, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p755513
File Size: 0.498 Megabytes

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