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Onze Lievevrouwebasiliek / Basilica of Our Lady - chapel interior
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: October 26, 2023
Caption: Onze Lievevrouwebasiliek / Basilica of Our Lady - chapel interior
Additional Description: “ For many people the main attraction of the Basilica of Our Lady is the miraculous statue of Our Lady, Star of the Sea. This 15th-century wooden statue was originally housed in a nearby Franciscan monastery. In 1801 it was moved to the former parish church of Saint Nicholas, adjacent to Our Lady's. After the closure of that church in 1837, the statue moved to Our Lady's. In 1903 it was placed in a Gothic chapel near the main entrance where it remains today and where it is daily visited by hundreds of worshipers. Pope Pius X crowned the venerated Marian image on 15 August 1912 via the Bishop of Roermond, Joseph Hubert Drehmanns. Twice a year it is being carried around town in the city's religious processions.” - Wikipedia
Submitted: November 7, 2023, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p758923
File Size: 2.821 Megabytes

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