Photograph as originally submitted to this page in the Historical Marker Database Click on photo to resize in browser. Scroll down to see metadata.
A meeting of Allied commanders, Maastricht, 7 December 1944
Photographer: courtesy of the National Army Museum
Taken: December 7, 1944
Caption: A meeting of Allied commanders, Maastricht, 7 December 1944
Additional Description: The figures shown are (left to right) General Omar Bradley, commander of 12th US Army Group; General Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF); General Bernard Montgomery, commander of 21st Army Group; Air Chief-Marshal Sir Arthur Tedder, Deputy Supreme Commander, and Lieutenant General William Simpson, commander of the US 9th Army.
Submitted: November 7, 2023, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p758980
File Size: 0.548 Megabytes

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