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Cabras São, Senhor… azulejo panel by Jorge Colaço
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: September 4, 2023
Caption: Cabras São, Senhor… azulejo panel by Jorge Colaço
Additional Description: According to the legend, after a hunt, when King Afonso Henriques and his entourage were resting near the Chapel of Nossa Senhora de Azevedo, a cloud of dust and a deafening noise began to be noticed in the distance. Thinking it was the enemy that was going to attack, they prepared for combat, going against the dust and the noise, when, suddenly, his aunt D. Egas, stopping, addressed the king saying in a tone of laughter: "They are goats, Sir!" ( Cabras São, Senhor). In this way, that area, which was largely occupied by shepherds and goats, came to be called Cabração. - Visit Ponte de Lima
Submitted: December 23, 2023, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p765965
File Size: 3.356 Megabytes

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