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Marker detail: Weis Buick
Photographer: Courtesy Greg Weis
Caption: Marker detail: Weis Buick
Additional Description: The Weis automobile dealership building was designed by Bill Lockard, assistant to architect Charles Altfillisch, in the International style. This style originated in Europe in the 1920s and was introduced in the United States in the 1930s. Erected in 1947, the Weis building had smooth stucco walls creating a clean, uncluttered look and ribbon windows producing a rhythmic harmony on the second story penthouse. Cantilevered sections of the upper roof and second-story balcony as well as the first-story projection above the auto display area produced dramatic emphasis in the façade.
Submitted: January 26, 2024, by Cosmos Mariner of Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Database Locator Identification Number: p771258
File Size: 0.726 Megabytes

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