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António Nobre - sonnet segment (as mentioned on the marker)
Photographer: Andrew Ruppenstein
Taken: September 2, 2023
Caption: António Nobre - sonnet segment (as mentioned on the marker)
Additional Description: Rough 150 meters to the northwest of the marker, on the shoreline behind the Capela da Boa Nova, is a bit of Nobre’s sonnet “Lá na Praia da Boa Nova” (written 1887), inscribed on a marble plaque mounted to the rocks. It reads:

Na praia lá da Boa Nova, um dia,
Edifiquei (foi esse o grande mal)
Alto Castelo, o que é a fantasia,
Todo de lápis-lazúli e coral!

Loosely translated: On the beach there at Boa Nova, one day, I built (that was the great evil) - a tall castle - such was the fantasy, all of lapis lazuli and coral!

The plaque was installed in the 1940s and is scheduled to be restored at some point in 2024.
Submitted: February 7, 2024, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p772940
File Size: 2.567 Megabytes

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