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Gran Hospital Real
Photographer: El Sol, Papelaria
Taken: Circa 1910
Caption: Gran Hospital Real
Additional Description: Of hospitals, hostels, and hotels: The words hostal, hotel, hostel, hostelry, hospital and hospice share the same root, based on the Latin hospes meaning guest. Nowadays, the concepts are clearly differentiated, but at the time the Hostal started operation the idea of its functions included sleep, food, as well as care for wounded feet and other ailments deriving from long-distance walking. There was little distinction between lodging and medical care as hostels were guided by the general concept of hospitality. - Wikipedia
Submitted: February 23, 2024, by Andrew Ruppenstein of Lamorinda, California.
Database Locator Identification Number: p775604
File Size: 0.773 Megabytes

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