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Nebel Knitting Mill Memories from Jane Wallace James
Photographer: Elizabeth Rittase
Taken: April 17, 2024
Caption: Nebel Knitting Mill Memories from Jane Wallace James
Additional Description: Daddy went to Nebel Knitting Company in 1930 just on a job but they kept finding things for him to do. He worked there for about two years and Mr Nebel came to him and told him he would have to fill out an application for employment. He continued to work there for thirty eight years. Mrs Rebel was afraid of Mr Nebel, he would curse when he got mad. Daddy often had to go to him and tell him she had done something wrong. One time she had a broken right arm and wasn't suppose to drive. She attempted to drive and went forward instead of reverse and went threw the garage. Daddy fixed the garage and told Mr Nebel the car was messed up, of course he used a few choice words. Daddy took a lot of abuse off of Mr Nebel, he worked a lot of overtime and was on a straight salary,
Submitted: April 17, 2024, by Elizabeth Rittase of Charlotte, North Carolina.
Database Locator Identification Number: p784745
File Size: 1.581 Megabytes

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