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Waters and Sarah Davis House (1868)
Photographer: Duane and Tracy Marsteller
Taken: April 13, 2024
Caption: Waters and Sarah Davis House (1868)
Additional Description: From the National Register nomination"
Waters and Sarah Davis commissioned this unusual composite of Italianate and Queen Anne styles as their residence in 1868. The frame building features a 1-story porch that wraps around both street facades. Waters Davis served as president of the Galveston Wharf Company, founded the Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad, and organized the local chapter of the American Red Cross. Sarah Huckins Davis was the daughter of the initial pastor of the First Baptist Church of Galveston, the first such congregation organized in the state of Texas. In 1957 the family sold the house to the American Red Cross, which operated out of the facility for the next three decades. The building currently serves as a private residence.

Submitted: April 25, 2024, by Duane and Tracy Marsteller of Murfreesboro, Tennessee.
Database Locator Identification Number: p786091
File Size: 4.591 Megabytes

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