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North Carolina Civil War Trails Marker
Photographer: Kevin W.
Taken: October 20, 2009
Caption: North Carolina Civil War Trails Marker
Additional Description: North Carolina’s Civil War stories are as diverse as its landscape. The Outer Banks and coastal rivers saw action early in the war, as Union forces occupied the region. Stories abound of naval battles, blockade running, Federal raids, and the Confederacy’s struggle to supply its armies. Other tales are told in the western mountains, a sometimes-lawless region where Unionists and Confederates fought a war within the war. In the rolling central piedmont, memories linger of Union Gen. William T. Sherman’s relentless march north early in the spring of 1865, when his army defeated the Confederates under Gen. Joseph E. Johnston. Finally, on April 26, Johnston surrendered, essentially ending the Civil War.
Experience these and many more stories as you tour the North Carolina Civil War Trails. Please drive carefully as you visit the sites where ironclads and wooden ships, spies and smugglers, heroes and villains, slaves and soldiers engaged in the greatest conflict in American history.
Submitted: October 29, 2009, by Kevin W. of Stafford, Virginia.
Database Locator Identification Number: p82761
File Size: 2.606 Megabytes

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